Digital Workshop - Picture Books: Emotional Nonfiction–What is it?

June 20th

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

As a temporary fix, while we update our registration pages you can register for this workshop by purchasing the class here:

Use the buy now button to pay for the June 2oth workshop.

After you complete payment, click the “RETURN TO MERCHANT” button for the pitch submission information.

One week before the workshop, writers can submit a pitch or log line (50 words max) for a nonfiction picture book. Or participants can write one during the workshop. Writers will receive live feedback with suggestions for how to layer their idea to reach the heights of Emotional Nonfiction. There will be time in the workshop to revise and resubmit. 

Class description:

Nonfiction picture books are often an easier sell. There are so many potential markets, and facts are less subjective than fiction. But Emotional Nonfiction takes nonfiction to a whole new level, playing with format and weaving the strategies of fiction into facts to help young readers fall in love with our world. If you can make someone care, they will follow you anywhere.


In-workshop completion of a planning tool will also help writers clarify and level up their premise and think deeply about their pitch package to agents and publishers.

Live feedback will be given.


A list of mentor texts and handouts will be provided.

Lisa Lerner has been writing children’s stories for educational publishers such as Scholastic and McGraw Hill for more than 20 years. Her first Emotional Nonfiction early reader, AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD (Heinemann) is the true story of her daughter’s fifth grade teacher’s expedition to the Arctic. Lisa is also the author of the crossover YA novel JUST LIKE BEAUTY (New York Times Notable Book of the Year, currently in development with Lars Von Trier and Patriot Pictures as a movie shooting in 2023). Long ago, Lisa was a professional rubber stamp cutter, children’s party entertainer, and NYC performance artist. She is a proud member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, The Writers Grotto in San Francisco, and is currently serving as a trustee on the board of the Kingston Public Library. In her spare time, she enjoys petting rabbits and eating cake. Please visit to learn more.


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