Here is the material for READ LOCAL outreach!
You can watch this video that outlines how to do the outreach:
And if you don’t know what to say, here’s a basic script:
"Hi, I'm from the local SCBWI--the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. We are hosting a READ LOCAL Challenge and we are hoping your library/bookstore will participate.
It's very easy, patrons or customers can scan the QR code to download their READ LOCAL Challenge card. When they complete a task on the Challenge card like borrowing or purchasing one of the featured READ LOCAL books, you can sign or initial the corresponding square.
The card works like a bingo card, so when they fill in 3 spaces, across, down, or diagonal, they can turn in their card for a certificate of completion (we will provide printed certificates for participating branches/stores) and be entered in a raffle to win next year's READ LOCAL books and other prizes.
Or the readers can fill in more squares and you can offer your own prizes if you wish. We've included some suggestions in the letter for partnering bookstores.
But if you want more information you can scan the QR code and read more about how the program works. We can email you a media kit with images and text for your newsletter and social media feed. Just let me know the contact name and email to send that to."
1. Download and print the 2-page letter for libraries and/or bookstores.
Library READ LOCAL intro Letter (print in PORTRAIT mode)
Bookstore READ LOCAL intro Letter (print in PORTRAIT mode)
2. Print in full color and bring one copy for each circulation desk at your local branch
Full Color Display Challenge Card (print in PORTRAIT mode)
Full Color Display Book List (print in PORTRAIT mode)
Full Color READ LOCAL Challenge card (print in LANDSCAPE mode and fold in half)
3. We will be providing printed certificates for participating libraries and bookstores to hand out. You can print one out to show them as well.
READ LOCAL Certificate (print in LANDSCAPE mode)
Again, to choose your local library and/or bookstore for outreach go to this Google sheet and add your name in the 1st column. Libraries are listed first and we've started to fill in bookstores on the bottom. Please fill in the info for your local bookstore that you are going to contact: