The Polio Pioneer

The Polio Pioneer by Linda Marshall

ISBN 978-0525646518

Vitally important and delightfully accessible, this informative picture book biography of Dr. Jonas Salk, THE POLIO PIONEER: DR. JONAS SALK AND THE POLIO VACCINE (Knopf, August 2020; illustrations by Lisa Anchin), is undoubtedly timely. Introducing Jonas Salk as a child/grandchild of Jewish immigrants who fled religious persecution in Russia and Lithuania and came to America, the book details – in kid-friendly language - how Jonas Salk wanted to help people and make the world a better place. In 1918, millions of people around the world died from “the flu” - influenza. And for decades, polio terrified Americans, killing or paralyzing thousands each year – often children or babies. After working with his teams to develop vaccines for flu and polio, Dr. Salk continued searching for cures for other diseases, like AIDS and MS.
During this unprecedented time of COVID-19, THE POLIO PIONEER: DR. JONAS SALK AND THE POLIO VACCINE bring hope and inspiration. It also helps young readers learn about viruses and vaccines.


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